Game Boy Memory Access Patterns


All measurements were done on a DMG-CPU B.

For the first few pictures a Hantek 6022BL oscilloscope/logic analyzer was used. (In digital mode, basically a Chineese Saleae ripoff.) The sample rate is 24M/s. Needless to say, this cheap device doesn't have decent Schmitt triggers on the logic inputs. When the probed voltage is in the range of 1.3V and 1.7V, the displayed level randomly flickers between high and low. This effect is visible during power up of the Game Boy, when the signals are slowly rising.

Later I got another (much cheaper) logic analyzer from China that claims to be a Saleae, but it isn't. Although it only costs about a third of the Hantek, it is actually able to utilize all 16 inputs! All recordings with 16M/s, 25M/s and 32M/s are done with this new one; the 24M/s ones are done with the Hantek. The level also flickers between high and low when the probed voltage is in the range of 1.3V and 1.5V. This logic analyzer returns some old buffers when it starts sampling. The beginning of the captured data needs to be ignored.

An EverDrive cartridge was used for running the test code. This means the state and timing of the data lines when reading from the cartridge may not be representative for an original cartridge. Also, when this cartridge is plugged in during power up of the Game Boy, the ramp up time of the reset line drops from ~50ms to ~40ms. Maybe there is a pull up resistor in the cartridge causing this.

Power On event

After flipping the power switch to the on position, the clock, #write and #cs signals, address and data lines are ramping up. The #read signal stays low. The #reset line is delayed by about 10ms and takes about 50ms to reach its peak.

Picture 1 (24M/s)
1: After power on, signals are ramping up
2: Boot ROM zero-initializes VRAM
3: Boot ROM configures peripherals and loads/expands Nintendo logo from cartridge to VRAM
4: Boot ROM continues w/o accessing cartridge (scrolling logo down)
5: Approximated reset ramp (I don't have a relation between this logic diagram and the oscilloscope screen below, so take this with a grain of salt)

Picture 2
Rising #reset line

Boot ROM external bus access

The boot ROM runs for exactly 57358 clock cycles before any of the lines (except clock) is changing. For now, I assume a clock cycle starts and ends with a rising edge, although this is probably wrong. The very first cycle is an exception, because the #clock line is already high when the cycle starts, there is no rising edge. That is why the measurement in Picture 1 displays only 57357 full cycles. This is the code that gets executed during this time:

   0:   31 fe ff        ld sp,0xfffe   ; 3 cycles
   3:   af              xor a          ; 1
   4:   21 ff 9f        ld hl,0x9fff   ; 3                           _
   7:   32              ld (hld),a     ; 2                            \
   8:   cb 7c           bit 7,h        ; 2                             \--> loop: 57343 cycles
   a:   20 fb           jr nz,0x0007   ; 3 when jumping; 2 otherwise __/
   c:   21 26 ff        ld hl,0xff26   ; 3
   f:   0e 11           ld c,0x11      ; 2
  11:   3e 80           ld a,0x80      ; 2 cycles  <-- ends at cycle #57357
  13:   32              ld (hld),a     ; 2         <-- ends at cycle #57359, address lines reflect 0xff26
  14:   e2              ld (c),a
  15:   0c              inc c
  16:   3e f3           ld a,0xf3
  18:   e2              ld (c),a
  19:   32              ld (hld),a
  1a:   3e 77           ld a,0x77
  1c:   77              ld (hl),a
  1d:   3e fc           ld a,0xfc
  1f:   e0 47           ld (0x47),a

The VRAM access during the loop at 0x7-0xA is not visible on the external memory bus. The first thing that can be seen on the externel bus is the operation at 0x13, which writes 0x80 into the APU register 0xff26. The instruction fetch happens at cycle #57358, the write operation at #57359. During this operation, the address lines reflect the actual address (0xff26). The #read signal may glitch sometimes for a few nanoseconds. In the picture below, these glitches measure 41.67ns. When I use a sample rate of 100M/s, they go down to 20ns and sometimes even 10ns. The data lines stay unchanged and #write stays high (deasserted). All reads and writes to registers and HRAM (0xff??) seem to behave this way.

Picture 3 (24M/s)
Boot ROM instructions at address 0x13 and 0x14

Picture 4 (24M/s)
1: Boot ROM execution w/o accessing cartridge ROM
2: Boot ROM comparing Nintendo logo (executing at addresses 0xe0...0xf0)
3: Boot ROM checking header sum (executing 0xf1...0xfb)
4: Executing code in cartridge ROM (startup code of common.s)
5: Executing code in HRAM (main loop of rom-rw.s)

Memory Overview

The patterns that are visible on the two external busses of the chip are depending on which components are accessed by the CPU, PPU and DMA. The following table shows the memory map as seen by the CPU. Although in reality this is much more spaghetti-ish, I tried to divide the various components into four busses. This grouping is only for describing which signal patterns can be seen when a component from any of those groups is accessed. The Boot ROM got its own group even though it should logically fit into the Internal Bus group, because for some reason it deviates from the patterns seen in that group.

mapping External Bus Internal Bus External Video Bus Internal Video Bus Boot ROM
Boot ROM
        X (*)
Cartridge ROM
Video RAM
Cartridge RAM
Work RAM
unused area
X (**)        
unused area
Work & Stack RAM
IE Register

Table 1
(*): 0x0000-0x00FF is only mapped to the boot ROM during boot; gets cut off when boot ROM code writes 0x01 to register 0xFF50
(**): 0xE000-0xFDFF is often called the WRAM echo or shadow area; actually the cartridge RAM may also respond here, which could lead to short circuits during read operations

On the External Bus, A15 serves as a low active ROM chip select. It will only switch to low when the cartridge ROM gets accessed. It will immediatly switch back to high at the end of the read/write operation. The address lines A0-A7 keep their state until another bus access is causing them to change. A8-A14 get reset to zero at the end of each External Bus access. (TODO: Check if this is also true if the DMA is accessing the bus.) The #cs signal serves as a chip select for both RAMs on the External Bus (WRAM and cartridge RAM). It behaves the same way as A15 does for the cartridge ROM. The WRAM uses A14 as a secondary, high active chip select. The cartridge RAM uses A13 as a secondary, high active chip select. Still, A13 and A14 act like normal address lines, not like the primary chip selects (#cs and A15). When accesing the address range 0xE000-0xFDFF, both A13 and A14 are high and therefore both RAMs are active.

When #read is low, D0-D7 are always configured as inputs (driven by the cartridge or WRAM or pulled up by a pull-up resistor). When #read is high, D0-D7 are always configured as outputs (driven by the Game Boy). This is true even when there is no #write and/or chip select signal pulled low yet.

&& !(#cs) && (A15) (#cs) && (A15) (#cs) && !(A15)
!(#read) input →
← input (*)
← input
output ↗

← output →
↖ output

Table 2
Arrows: Indicate legal state changes
(*): The "default" state, when cartridge and WRAM are not accessed

There are two peripherals that also gain access to some of the busses: The PPU and the DMA. The PPU has the highest priority, the CPU has the lowest.

has access to bus
(ordered by priority)
Boot ROM External Bus Internal Bus External Video Bus Internal Video Bus
PPU       X (ro) X (ro)
DMA (*) X (ro) (*) X (ro) X (wo)

Table 3
(*): When DMA is given source address 0xFEXX or 0xFFXX, it reads from external bus. When DMA is given source address 0x00XX, it always reads from external bus, it doesn't matter if boot ROM is still visible or not.

Signals visible on External Bus during memory cycle issued by CPU

signals visible on
external bus during
CPU mem access
#write #read #cs A15 A8-A14 A0-A7 D0-D7 direction D0-D7 output buffer
Boot ROM R/W high low high high no change no change input n/a
External Bus ROM R high low high low change;
go low at end of cycle
change input n/a
W low high high low output first 0xFF(*), then actual data
RAM R high low low high input n/a
W low high low high output first 0xFF(*), then actual data
Internal Bus R high low high high change;
but don't go low at end of cycle
change input n/a
W low (glitchy) input (glitchy) 0xFF(*) if direction glitches
External Video Bus R/W high low high high no change no change input n/a
Internal Video Bus R high low high high change;
but don't go low at end of cycle
change input n/a
W low (glitchy) input (glitchy) 0xFF(*) if direction glitches

Table 4
Signals visible on external bus when CPU accesses any of the five groups (while DMA is not accessing WRAM or cartridge)
(*): The two stack pushes during the CALL and RST instructions are an exception. They output their respective part of the program counter the whole time while #read is high, they don't start with driving 0xFF. TODO: Check if this also applies to the pushing on interrupt entry.

Sequence of events on External Bus during memory cycle issued by CPU

Picture 5
Shows the eight clock edges within a memory cycle and assigns labels to them, which are referenced in the sequence below

  1. T1F:
    • Only when CPU accesses External Bus, Internal Bus or Internal Video Bus: A0-A14 change to new address
      TODO: When stack pointer points to video RAM, there are some changes on address lines during the stack pushing of the CALL instructions. Figure out what these are.
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: #read goes high
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: D0-D7 get actively driven high (before that, they were held high by pull-up resistors)
      (There is an exception to this during stack pushing of the CALL and RST instructions: The respective part of the program counter is actively driven on D0-D7 instead of them being driven high)
    • Only when CPU writes to Internal Bus or Internal Video Bus: #read may glitch for less than 15 ns (static-0 hazard)
    • Only when CPU writes to Internal Bus or Internal Video Bus: D0-D7 may glitch for less than 15 ns (getting actively driven high instead of only being weakly pulled high by resistors)
      (There is an exception to this during stack pushing of the CALL and RST instructions: The respective part of the program counter is actively driven on D0-D7 shortly when they are glitching instead of them being driven high)
  2. T1R:
    • Only when CPU accesses External Bus: #cs or A15 goes low
  3. T2F:
    • no changes
  4. T2R:
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: #write goes low
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: D0-D7 get driven with the actual data
  5. T3F:
    • no changes
  6. T3R:
    • no changes, but D0-D7 get sampled during read
  7. T4F:
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: #write goes high
  8. T4R:
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: #read goes low
    • Only when CPU accesses External Bus: #cs or A15 goes high
    • Only when CPU accesses External Bus: A8-A14 go low
    • Only when CPU writes to External Bus: D0-D7 stop being driven (pull-up resistors take over)

Signals visible on External Bus during memory cycle issued by DMA

signals visible on
external bus during
DMA mem access
#write #read #cs A15 A0-A14 D0-D7 direction
External Bus ROM high low high low change input
RAM low high
External Video Bus ext. bus is controlled by CPU

Table 5
Signals visible on external bus when DMA reads from any of the two busses

Signals visible on External Video Bus during memory cycle issued by CPU

signals visible on
ext. video bus during
CPU mem access
#vwrite #vread #vcs VA0-VA12 VD0-VD7 direction VD0-VD7 output buffer
Boot ROM (*) high low high change input ?
External Bus ? ? high change input ?
Internal Bus ? ? high change input ?
External Video Bus w: low
r: high
w: high
r: low
low change w: output
r: input
w: change
r: ?
Internal Video Bus high low high change input ?

Table 6
Signals visible on external video bus when CPU accesses any of the five groups (while PPU and DMA are not accessing VRAM)
(*): Write access on boot ROM not tested yet

Signals visible on External Video Bus during memory cycle issued by PPU

signals visible on
ext. video bus during
PPU mem access
#vwrite #vread #vcs VA0-VA12 VD0-VD7 direction
External Video Bus high low low change input (glitchy)
Internal Video Bus ext. video bus is controlled by DMA or CPU

Table 7
Signals visible on external video bus when PPU accesses any of the two busses

Signals visible on External Video Bus during memory cycle issued by DMA

signals visible on
ext. video bus during
DMA mem access
#vwrite #vread #vcs VA0-VA12 VD0-VD7 direction
External Bus ext. video bus is controlled by PPU or CPU
External Video Bus high low low change input

Table 8
Signals visible on external video bus when DMA reads from any of the two busses (while PPU is not accessing VRAM)